11 Crucial Office Design Ideas That Elevate Productivity

Office Design

The modern office renovation design is focused on its people: to recruit, retain and inspire them, and to help them work to their full potential. If you want the best talent, a great office design can be a deal-breaker.

Office renovation design plays a significant role in the mind-set of employees. The way an office looks and feels can inspire a workforce for better and improve employee moods. It is because a decorated office is much more than just aesthetics. It’s the aesthetics combined with utility, which makes or breaks an employee’s enthusiasm to get to work.

A beautifully designed office also has positive effects on employee productivity and better hiring as well. This is why you need to have a broad sense of office decor ideas to play along.

1. Be Clear About Your Brand and Office Renovation Design Intent

Your office design must say a lot about your office environment. Whether you offer a relaxing work vibe, a casual office setting, a fully serious professional outlook, etc. Your design must speak of your brand and this means having an ample understanding of your brand and how your design can project that in your workplace.

Having a firm grasp on these ideas not only means getting the most beautiful design. It is about knowing what works best in a workplace environment and which suits your office the best.


2. Make Your Company Vision or Mission Visible

Company Mission Design

The office design of a company should speak of the company itself. It should be a reflection of what a company stands for. The best way of doing this is by displaying the company’s vision and mission on its walls in an attractive way.

The displayed vision will remind your employees of what the business is built upon and drive them to achieve more.


3. Different Atmosphere Based on Usage of Rooms

It is good to segregate the office atmosphere into different units. By this, we mean having a different atmosphere and feel for different rooms. These can be conference rooms, break rooms, office halls, cubicles, etc.

You can design these rooms as per the use. While the conference room can have a serious look at office chairs and desk, the cubicles can be as per the employee’s wishes. Similarly, you can have a laid back look at break rooms with bean bags, etc.


4. Make Space for Employees to Personalized Their Own Cubicle

Office Cubicle Design

Allow and encourage employees to personalize their cubicles. It will bring new colours and also make the employees work with ease. It is because by customizing their cubicles, they can decorate and organize their space with the things they like.

Also, working in their own custom space will increase productivity as well.


5. The Correct Lighting Effect for Your Office Renovation

Office Renovation Design

Lighting plays a big part in an office renovation design. It must be reliable for long-term usage and also suitable for the atmosphere you want to create at the same time. With the latest LED technology, lighting effect can be so much more interesting and durable.

Office lighting needs to fulfil a variety of requirements: in every project designers are faced with the challenge of bringing together normative specifications, economic targets, constructional conditions and the utilisation of the space into a single concept.


6. Bring More Life to The Office with Plants

Office Renovation with plants

Plants are another fantastic office decor idea because of their decorative and natural feel in a workspace. They provide employees with fresh air and put out a tranquil work environment. However, you must be careful to maintain these plants with proper sunlight and maintenance.


7. The Importance of Selecting The Right Colours

Colours have been shown to have certain effects on people, without them even consciously knowing or understanding it. Colour can dramatically affect moods, feelings, and emotions.

Colours in the red area of the colour spectrum are known as warm colours and include red, orange, and yellow. These warm colours evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.

Colours on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colours and include blue, purple, and green. These colours are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.

However, we have to understand that colours also have different meanings in different cultures.


8. A Pantry That Encourages Communications

Office Pantry Design

With the evolution of the way we work and the increased need for collaborative effort to drive innovation and creativity, companies have realised the importance of having common spaces in the workplace. One of the common spaces that are so central to the overall design and the life of an office is none other than the office pantry.

A well-design office pantry brings invaluable benefits to both the employees and organisations. When there is more positive interaction at work such as friendly chit-chat over coffee in the pantry or having lunch together in the office kitchen, staff are able to build better friendship and make deeper connection with each other.

Having the pantry area connected to meeting rooms separated by mobile partitions that allow the spaces to merge during corporate events and gatherings.


9. Reduce Noise in Your Workspace

Studies have shown that noisy workspace can reduce the productivity of employees by up to 66%. Acoustic Panels are a simple and easy solution that eliminates noise in the workspace. Simply hanging these panels around any room will work wonders. Acoustic panels come in various shapes and colours, and can look really stunning.


10. Display Team Photos

Office Photos Design

Do you and your team set aside time for fun or holidays?
Turn those fun and enjoyable times into memories by hanging photos at a high traffic place. Glancing at them periodically will remind your employees how good it felt to be part of the team.


11. Putting Attention in Washroom Design

Office Washroom Design

Going to the restroom is a necessary element of everyone’s life and work dynamic. With this in mind, it will come as little surprise that thoughtful attention to the design and management of restrooms is more significant than often recognized. A well designed washroom will always project a healthy, clean and reliable corporate image.

Work culture has advanced immensely from the days when life within the office became a new phenomenon. A well thought office design helps people to focus on work, remind the employees about the company goals, motivate the employees to the fullest and make them feel belonged. Carefully planning your office design with an office renovation contractor is a must to increase your employees morale and well-being, and also to attract and retain high potential employees.


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